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 Tsaagan mangas

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Nombre de messages : 338
Localisation : charente maritime
Emploi : étudiant
Loisirs : paléontologie et la guitare
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2006

Tsaagan mangas Empty
MessageSujet: Tsaagan mangas   Tsaagan mangas EmptyJeu 14 Déc - 14:25

Norell, M.A., Clark, J.M., Turner, A.H., Makovicky, P.J., Barsbold, R., and Rowe, T. (2006).A new dromaeosaurid theropod from Ukhaa Tolgod (Omnogov, Mongolia). American Museum Novitates 3545: 1-51.

Abstract: "We describe a new dromaeosaurid theropod from the Upper Cretaceous Djadokhta Formation of Ukhaa Tolgod, Mongolia. The new taxon, _Tsaagan mangas_, consists of a well-preserved skull and cervical series. This specimen marks only the second dromaeosaurid taxon from a formation that has otherwise yielded numerous specimens of _Velociraptor mongoliensis_, and _Tsaagan mangas_ is the only dromaeosaurid known from Ukhaa Tolgod beyond sporadic occurrences of isolated teeth. _Tsaagan mangas_ differs from other dromaeosaurids in the possession of a straight, untwisted, and pendulous paroccipital process, a large and anteriorly located maxillary fenestra, and a jugal?squamosal contact that excludes the postorbital from the margin of the infratemporal fenestra. The phylogenetic affinities of _Tsaagan mangas_ are determined through a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of Coelurosauria, confirming its position within Dromaeosauridae. This new specimen, coupled with CT imaging, provides new information on the skull and braincase anatomy of dromaeosaurids."
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